Hello, my name is


I am engaged in human rights activism, social work, and politics.

I am a candidate for the Worker Party running for MP in the UK General Election 2024.

Election Manifesto for July 4th

Human Rights Activism

Advocate for global human rights, including standing up for Gaza and oppressed communities. Promote equality, harmony, and dignity for all individuals. Implement policies to combat discrimination and ensure social justice.


Increase funding for schools to improve education quality and access. Support initiatives that provide equal educational opportunities for all students. Enhance teacher training and resources to elevate educational standards.

Community Safety:

Develop community-based programs to prevent crime and support at-risk youth. Increase police presence and resources in high-crime areas to ensure safety. Implement rehabilitation programs for offenders to reduce recidivism.


Improve NHS funding to enhance overall healthcare services. Expand mental health services and support for those in need. Reduce waiting times for GP appointments and emergency services.

GP Appointments

Increase the number of GPs and healthcare staff to meet demand. Introduce efficient appointment systems to reduce waiting times. Promote telehealth services to provide more accessible healthcare options.

Lower the Cost of Living

Implement policies to reduce housing costs and ensure affordable housing for all. Increase support for low-income families through subsidies and financial assistance programs. Promote fair wages and job opportunities to improve economic stability.

Orci etiam cras


Suscipit quam dolor

Music videos

Eget est vitae



Vote for Wajad Burkey, Workers Party candidate for UK Parliament, on July 4, 2024.

Vote for Wajad Burkey on July 4, 2024, Workers Party candidate for UK Parliament. Our manifesto champions equality, harmony, and justice. We stand firmly for Gaza and the oppressed worldwide. We pledge to reduce GP and ambulance waiting times, and take urgent action to lower the cost of living. Together, we can build a fairer, more compassionate society for all. Support Burkey for a brighter future.